Monday, September 29, 2008

Paul Newman

I was busy washing the hood of a Datsun Z when I heard a voice say “Hey kid is this the way to Bob Sharps office?”

I looked up from what I was doing into the bluest eyes I have ever seen, and my heart jumped into my throat. “Yes, right down there” I finally mumbled after a long pause. “Thanks” said Paul Newman as he continued through the garage.

This was the beginning of my long association with the actor/ race driver/ philanthropist, Paul Newman.

Back in the 1970’s my father was the General Manager of Bob Sharp Datsun. Bob Sharp was a successful race car driver until a horrible crash convinced him it was time to retire. About this time Paul Newman was getting interested in racing and was looking for a ride. He lived in the next town over (Westport, CT), and they gave him a shot.
Mr. Newman turned out to be very good driver, winning multiple national championships. I would look forward to going to the races every summer and watching Mr. Newman win. Always a gentleman, he insisted that the other drivers treat him as one of their own. He did not want any “star” treatment at the race track.
With his passing this past weekend the world has lost a great man.

1 comment:

T and C said...

totally agree...a beautiful man